Spiritual Diet Spiritual Weight Loss What is a Spiritual Diet? The Spiritual Diet begins with a foundation of Mind Body and Spirit and how they all directly influence each other, particularly when they are all in balance and agreement. You have to approach lasting weight loss by evaulating your relationship to the foods you are currently eating and learn how to enjoy your food in a new healthy way. Spirutal Weight Loss works because …
Read More »Airport Body Scanners – Are You Being Zapped?
Airport Body Scanners Are Airport Body Scanners Safe? If you have ever traveled by airplane then you know you have to go through TSA Scanner searches. I'm sure you've wondered “Are Airport Body Scanners Safe?” Different types of radiation scanning machines use different technologies, some safer than others. But all have some amount of radiation. The type you really need to avoid is the backscatter x-ray type full body scanning machines. They are …
Read More »Whole Brain Thinking Using Yoga
Super Brain Yoga Brain Yoga There is a practice that Yoga practitioners and healers have been using for centuries to keep their brains sharp, mind focused and allow creative inspiration to flow into them quickly and easily. This is a simple practice that you can learn in about 10 minutes and apply anytime you need a quick de-stress or to stop that chattering mind from preventing you from receiving the answer that you're …
Read More »Spiritual Wealth and Prosperity – Manifesting Abundance
Wealth and Prosperity Creation Using Spiritual Laws of Attraction For Manifesting Abundance Manifesting Abundance I'm sure that you've heard that your thoughts today create your reality tomorrow. That is very much so when it comes to financial matters. All things in our universe are energy. Thoughts, emotions and our behaviors are displays of our personal energy. Money is energy. It is even called “currency.” The spiritual laws that govern the physical universe show that …
Read More »Improve Your Eyesight Holistically – What is Palming?
How to Improve Your Eyesight Holistically Can You Really Improve Your Eyesight to 20/20 Naturally? In Short, Yes! These techniques have been used for centuries, oftentimes being called by many different names but the results are the same – Greatly Improved Eyesight and many times 20/20 vision. There are three major techniques that will make your optometrist's office visits virtually obsolete; Palming, Sunning, The Swings. These are part of the Dr. Bates Method …
Read More »Pope Benedict Resigns – St. Malachy’s Prophecy
Is The End of The Roman Catholic Church Near? Pope Benedict Resigns his papacy as Lightning Strikes the Vatican! Pope Benedict announced that he will resign the papacy on February 28, 2013 as lightning strikes the Vatican at the end of the news broadcast on Canale 5 in Italy. He is currently 85 years old, and stated that he didn't have the energy or health to continue with the strenuous duties as the …
Read More »Green Gifts for Father’s Day
Green Gifts for Father's Day Father's day will soon be here so, let's make him really proud of us this year. How? By giving something that shows how much you care about him and our environment as well. He'll realize that he made a difference and how smart you now are. No better gift than knowing that your dad thinks you have a mind and heart of gold (green too). These Eco Friendly Gifts …
Read More »Mind Body Connection – May 2012
Here's Your Chance to Finally Connect: Once in a Lifetime Mind, Body & Spirit Event! Join 5 New York Times Best Selling Authors and 8 Holistic Anti-Aging Experts for The Ultimate Mind Body and Spirit Union. You'll connect with so many liked minded spirits in one peaceful and enlightening setting. You'll also discover more about natural healing and youthful exuberance from the inside out. Here's who's going to be here to inspire you: …
Read More »Women’s Wellness Conference – Cellular Rejuvenation and Longevity Now
Women's Wellness Conference After hosting 10 consecutive sold out events, David Wolfe and the Longevity Now Conference team have listened closely to the feedback from their audience and found that women in particular have a strong desire for women centered discussions. In order to serve the community and dive deep into topics that are of interest to women, they are happy to announce the ?Women's Wellness Conference. On Friday, February 10th-Sunday, February 12th …
Read More »Alone For The Holidays?
Alone Again, Naturally? Holidays can be both a time of joy and a time of sadness. We can be happy to know that we have loving friends and family and yet go home to an empty home. I know. It's a place that I've been to many times in my own past. I would be the life of the party and yet still come home alone at the end of the night. And the …
Read More »David Wilcock – The Source Field Investigations – Shift Happens!
The Source Field Investigations – These New Discoveries May Shock and Delight You! David Wilcock's New Masterpiece David Wilcock's new book answers a lot of questions about 2012! He is touted to be “The reincarnation of Edgar Cayce” though he personally desires to be known for his own achievements in this life. All his information is thoroughly based upon science, so it can be validated by anyone. I can't wait to get my copy. …
Read More »The Power of Intention
What can the Power of Intention do for me? If you become clear and focused you can use it to send a coherent signal to the universe as to what you want at the moment. When you do this consistently you can harness a tremendous amount of power to bring your desires into your physical experience. Think of unfocused thought like a 100 watt light bulb, there is a lot of energy that is …
Read More »An Attitude of Gratitude – The Key to Abundance
How to Practice an Attitude of Gratitude and Appreciation Embracing an attitude which is both enthusiastic and positive will elevate your vibrational rate exponentially. It can transform the energy of the place where you are standing and positively affect the people all around you. If you've watched or read Rhonda Byrne's “The Secret” or the “The Secret.tv” channel you've heard of this very important concept. Your attitude shapes your inner and outer world, and …
Read More »What is NLP?
Discover How NLP Techniques Can Get You What You Want In Life Easily! What is NLP? NLP stands for Neuro-linguistic programming, it it literally means the programming of your brain through language patterns and non-verbal communication modalities. It seeks to master human interpersonal communication so that we know what message other people are sending. It can also help us send the right message to others. You can use it to program yourself for …
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