David Wilcock – The Source Field Investigations – Shift Happens!

 The Source Field Investigations – These New Discoveries May Shock and Delight You!


David Wilcock's New Masterpiece

David Wilcock's new book answers a lot of questions about 2012! He is touted to be “The reincarnation of Edgar Cayce” though he personally desires to be known for his own achievements in this life. All his information is thoroughly based upon science, so it can be validated by anyone. I can't wait to get my copy. Here is the information from Barnes & Noble:

The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies

The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies [Hardcover]

David Wilcock (Author)


“David Wilcock is a leading thinker who makes a magnificent case in these pages that a golden age is indeed within our grasp.”
-Graham Hancock, bestselling author of Fingerprints of the Gods, from the foreword

Product Description

Based on a hugely popular Internet documentary, this exploration of historic signs and symbolism determines what the future holds for humanity come 2012.


Here's “THE BIG PICTURE” for 2012
The Source Field Investigations paints a “big picture” that is quite an adjustment for the average person… but is nonetheless backed up with extensive evidence:
  • DNA is a product of a quantum energy wave, and is written into the basic laws of the Universe;
  • The laws that govern the formation of life on Earth also govern the behavior of matter and energy in the Cosmos;
  • The human design is intrinsic to this galaxy, and probably a good bit of the entire Universe;
  • Other humans have progressed much, much farther, spiritually and technologically, than we have;
  • Those humans colonized Earth in the times of Atlantis, and their skulls reveal brain capacities significantly larger than ours;
  • These people were largely wiped out by a self-inflicted cataclysm caused by nuclear war between rival colonies;
  • The survivors built pyramids to heal and stabilize the Earth on its axis in the aftermath of this catastrophe;
  • They had direct knowledge of a natural cycle that propels each inhabited planet through quantum evolutionary leaps;
  • They were aware of a physical gland in the human brain that governs ESP and is “activated” by this natural cycle;
  • They knew this galaxy-driven cycle had an exact end-point, measurable by a 25,920-year wobble on any inhabited planet;
  • They extensively encoded prophecies of this cycle, and its ultimate effects, in dozens of ancient myths worldwide;
  • They honor the Law of Free Will through most of a planet's evolution, but are allowed to re-appear at the end of a cycle;
  • The completion of the cycle creates an energetic springboard that gives humans remarkable “Ascended” abilities;
  • World governments are utterly incapable of interfering with this process, regardless of what they may try to do.

“If you believe there is no special significance to the year 2012, then prepare yourself for a guided tour through the most incredible scientific mysteries in the modern world, which may be the rediscovery of an ancient system of physics and spirituality that was once widely used and understood, but has since crumbled almost completely into ruin.” –The Source Field Investigations.  Take a look at his full-length documentary about this exciting new energy that is coming and how to prepare yourself to take advantage of its rising vibration rate:



In his documentary The 2012 Enigma-viewed more than two million times- David Wilcock exposed many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan calendar, and much more. And in this book, his seminal work, he'll expose even more. David shows how this exact DNA vibrational shift has happened in the past as well, in intervals of about 26,000 years (The end of this Mayan Calendar Cycle and Precessional Equinox Cycle) like the instant transformation from Neanderthal man into Cro-Mangon, and 26,000 years before that, the die off of the dinosaurs and woolly mammoths.


Calling upon fascinating areas of alternative science, Wilcock's unique philosophy connects the human species and the rest of the cosmos, proposing that it is in our power to usher in the Golden Age prophesied in so many ancient cultures and spiritual traditions. Unlike the doom- and-gloom viewpoints depicted in big-budget disaster films, Wilcock believes that 2012 may be a watermark for when a widespread acceptance of a greater reality will begin to occur-and in his book, he lays out many of the blueprints for such a Golden Age.


Click here to see when it will be available David Wilcock Source Field Investigations

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