
Featured Mind Body Spirit Posts

What is Aromatherapy?

woman relaxed aroma therapy diffusers

  What is Aromatherapy? What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of volatile liquid plant materials, known as essential oils (EOs), and other aromatic compounds from plants to affect someone's mood or health, hence aroma therapy. The word aromatherapy was coined in the 1920s by French chemist René Maurice Gattefosse, who devoted his life to researching the healing properties of essential oils after a lucky accident in his perfume laboratory. (In the accident, he lit …

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Radiation Protection Products

foods for radiation

Radiation Protection Products     Radiation In Food Radiation Protection Products protect you from exposure (medical treatments, cell phones, WiFi devices, smart meters, nuclear spills) is a major concern in our world now. Radiation damages your DNA and makes your cells not be able to repair themselves properly (malformed brain tissue, organs and body parts follow.) You absolutely need to keep this stuff from entering your body or keep it moving if you can't avoid it. …

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The Benefits of Sun Gazing and Earthing

Sun Gazing - Animated Sun

SunGazing and Earthing   Why Sungaze? The Art of Sun gazing has been practiced for thousands of years. It has been brought to light recently by authors and solar gazing pioneers Hira Ratan Manek (sun gazing) and Jashumeen (living on light) who claim to primarily “live on light.” They are using photosynthesis the same process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and nutrition. Humans can also make use of the abundant source of free …

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What To Do For Back Pain

back pain relief

    What To Do For Back Pain? Back pain can be caused by many things, poor posture over time, physical injuries or even chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Whatever the casue, there is plenty you can do to start easing away your back pain now.   Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent and heal your back. The muscles around your spinal column can be strengthened to give some pain relief and …

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BrainWave Entrainment – Can It Increase Your IQ and Performance?

brain waves increase iq

  BrainWave Entrainment – Can It Increase Your IQ and Performance?     What Are Binaural Beats? In a groundbreaking study in brain wave enhancement in 1999, Thomas Budzynski Ph.D. showed that we have the power to unlock dormant areas of our brains and use them for our advantage. He took a group of 8 university level students and increased their GPA by having them just listen to Binaural Beats during study and before exams and a miracle …

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How to Generate Molecules of Attraction

oxytocin spray - pheromone perfume effects

Discover the Molecules of Attraction – Love Chemicals – Brain Wiring and Oxytocin Spray Love Scent Pheromone There are four special molecules that can positively effect how a person is perceived by another person. When these natural chemicals become elevated in the brain, feelings of love and bonding increase, the person's guard is down and there trust mechanism is up. They feel good, and if you're in the area and next to them, they can …

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Why You Should Wear Ethical Fashion Green Sustainable Organic Clothing

green sustainable fashion

Green Sustainable Organic Clothing   Ethical Fashion Ethical Fashion makes a powerful and compassionate statement that you care about your world in an active way. What we choose to put on your bodies says a whole lot about us. Not only that but it also becomes part of your vibration, one that other people see even before you say one word. It can also raise your personal vibration because all things, including clothing have a …

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Philosophy and The Matrix

Watch Return to Source: Philosophy and The Matrix   Will You Take The “Red Pill” or The “Blue Pill?” There are more “real life” questions and scenarios considered in The Matrix Trilogy (Matrix, Reloaded and Revolutions) than probably any other series on the planet. This is my all time favorite analysis of how the creators of The Matrix DVD series combined, philosophy, psychology, spirituality, metaphysics, science and science fiction into one cohesive whole. It uses experts in …

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Whole Brain Thinking Using Yoga

stress relief yoga

Super Brain Yoga   Brain Yoga There is a practice that Yoga practitioners and healers have been using for centuries to keep their brains sharp, mind focused and allow creative inspiration to flow into them quickly and easily.   This is a simple practice that you can learn in about 10 minutes and apply anytime you need a quick de-stress or to stop that chattering mind from preventing you from receiving the answer that you're …

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Spiritual Wealth and Prosperity – Manifesting Abundance

Wealth and Prosperity Creation Using Spiritual Laws of Attraction For Manifesting Abundance   Manifesting Abundance I'm sure that you've heard that your thoughts today create your reality tomorrow.  That is very much so when it comes to financial matters.  All things in our universe are energy.  Thoughts, emotions and our behaviors are displays of our personal energy.  Money is energy. It is even called “currency.”  The spiritual laws that govern the physical universe show that …

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Radiation Exposure and Zeolite Powder

radiation exposure

Radiation Exposure   Radiation Sickness I'm sure you've heard of the catastrophic tsunami that has hit Japan a earlier, here is a story about the devastation that is still happening to them right now Japan Tsunami. Nuclear plants are failing all around us, even in Southern California (San Onofre). We need to be prepared and have a strategy on hand to successfully rid ourselves of this cancer causing radiation poisoning.   I hope you'll join …

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Eckhart Tolle – Dealing With Thoughts of Anger

eckhart tolle teachings

Who is Eckhart Tolle?   Eckhart Tolle Eckhart Tolle (pronounced “Toe Lay”) is a modern day spiritual teacher dedicated to helping people move out of being controlled by their thoughts and their mind and into stillness, peace and happiness in any situation. His teachings have impacted people worldwide and have inspired many to stop the incessant mind chatter and be at peace with themselves, and others. He has inspired people like Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, …

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Improve Your Eyesight Holistically – What is Palming?

How to Improve Your Eyesight Holistically   Can You Really Improve Your Eyesight to 20/20 Naturally? In Short, Yes! These techniques have been used for centuries, oftentimes being called by many different names but the results are the same – Greatly Improved Eyesight and many times 20/20 vision.   There are three major techniques that will make your optometrist's office visits virtually obsolete; Palming, Sunning, The Swings. These are part of the Dr. Bates Method …

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