Airport Body Scanners Are Airport Body Scanners Safe? If you have ever traveled by airplane then you know you have to go through TSA Scanner searches. I'm sure you've wondered “Are Airport Body Scanners Safe?” Different types of radiation scanning machines use different technologies, some safer than others. But all have some amount of radiation. The type you really need to avoid is the backscatter x-ray type full body scanning machines. They are …
Read More »Spiritual Wealth and Prosperity – Manifesting Abundance
Wealth and Prosperity Creation Using Spiritual Laws of Attraction For Manifesting Abundance Manifesting Abundance I'm sure that you've heard that your thoughts today create your reality tomorrow. That is very much so when it comes to financial matters. All things in our universe are energy. Thoughts, emotions and our behaviors are displays of our personal energy. Money is energy. It is even called “currency.” The spiritual laws that govern the physical universe show that …
Read More »Eckhart Tolle – Dealing With Thoughts of Anger
Who is Eckhart Tolle? Eckhart Tolle Eckhart Tolle (pronounced “Toe Lay”) is a modern day spiritual teacher dedicated to helping people move out of being controlled by their thoughts and their mind and into stillness, peace and happiness in any situation. His teachings have impacted people worldwide and have inspired many to stop the incessant mind chatter and be at peace with themselves, and others. He has inspired people like Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, …
Read More »Improve Your Eyesight Holistically – What is Palming?
How to Improve Your Eyesight Holistically Can You Really Improve Your Eyesight to 20/20 Naturally? In Short, Yes! These techniques have been used for centuries, oftentimes being called by many different names but the results are the same – Greatly Improved Eyesight and many times 20/20 vision. There are three major techniques that will make your optometrist's office visits virtually obsolete; Palming, Sunning, The Swings. These are part of the Dr. Bates Method …
Read More »David Wilcock – The Source Field Investigations – Shift Happens!
The Source Field Investigations – These New Discoveries May Shock and Delight You! David Wilcock's New Masterpiece David Wilcock's new book answers a lot of questions about 2012! He is touted to be “The reincarnation of Edgar Cayce” though he personally desires to be known for his own achievements in this life. All his information is thoroughly based upon science, so it can be validated by anyone. I can't wait to get my copy. …
Read More »The Power of Intention
What can the Power of Intention do for me? If you become clear and focused you can use it to send a coherent signal to the universe as to what you want at the moment. When you do this consistently you can harness a tremendous amount of power to bring your desires into your physical experience. Think of unfocused thought like a 100 watt light bulb, there is a lot of energy that is …
Read More »What is NLP?
Discover How NLP Techniques Can Get You What You Want In Life Easily! What is NLP? NLP stands for Neuro-linguistic programming, it it literally means the programming of your brain through language patterns and non-verbal communication modalities. It seeks to master human interpersonal communication so that we know what message other people are sending. It can also help us send the right message to others. You can use it to program yourself for …
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