Radiation Exposure
Radiation Sickness
I'm sure you've heard of the catastrophic tsunami that has hit Japan a earlier, here is a story about the devastation that is still happening to them right now Japan Tsunami. Nuclear plants are failing all around us, even in Southern California (San Onofre). We need to be prepared and have a strategy on hand to successfully rid ourselves of this cancer causing radiation poisoning.
I hope you'll join me in praying for the quick and complete recovery of their cities that have been struck by the tsunami and also the nuclear explosions. Visit the following site for a complete guide to radiation protection.
Nuclear reactor explosions can cause severe physical damage, not only to buildings and cities, but to the beautiful people who live there as well. They radiate toxic and deadly radiation that can damage you immediately as well as damage your genes and poison your body. You can become deathly ill if you do nothing about it!
Radiation Side Effects
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Fever
- Leukopenia (Cancer)
- Genetic Damage (Inability to have children)
- Physical Deformity
Some of these symptoms may occur immediately after exposure, and some may also be doing their damage by altering your genes and causing cancers in the body. If you are anywhere near the path of a nuclear radiation explosion or meltdown, please take some Zeolite immediately, and get at least a three month supply. This also goes for repeated X-Rays, full body scanner exposures, mammograms and other harmful radiation type poisonings and exposures.
Radiation Protection
What is currently being given to radiation victims is Iodine, in the form of Potassium Iodine. You need to be really careful with this stuff as it has serious side effects, as stated by the Napa County Public Health Department in California:
“Potassium iodide can have serious side effects and should not be taken unless recommended,“ said Napa County Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Smith. “We are in close contact with CDPH and we will work together to alert our residents if the situation changes.”
Please do be careful and take a proactive approach to your health and that of your families and loved ones. There is a much better solution though, without the dangerous side effects that is much more powerful and complete. For a complete list of radiation protective nutrients you can read the article here on Nuclear Radiation Protection
Treatment for Radiation
Make that the water you are drinking is free from radiation – Never drink tap water unless it's all you have available. After that, the best treatment you can use for radiation exposure are a class of natural minerals called zeolites. This Zeolite is formed when hot lava from an active volcano meets natural seawater and forms highly bio-active minerals called zeolites. They are nature's answer to human science experiments gone wrong. They have the unique power to detox radiation sickness, even up to uranium 238!
Natural Zeolite Uses
Zeolite Powder can be used to detox the human body, help the body get rid of heavy metals, radiation, and many other stored toxins in the body. They are used to detox animal waste, and even deodorize litter boxes. They are best used to quickly detox the body of unnatural levels of chemicals in the body. You can find out more information on where to get Powdered Zeolite, which is good for human consumption in making sure you are not affected by any type of radiation or heavy metal poisoning by visiting the following website: Zeolite
Visit the following page for a complete guide to water purification from radiation or
complete guide to natural remedies for radiation protection
Don’t let toxic radiation wreak havoc and disease in your body, get it out fast using:Natural Zeolite