Tag Archives: time

Radiation Protection Products

foods for radiation

Radiation Protection Products     Radiation In Food Radiation Protection Products protect you from exposure (medical treatments, cell phones, WiFi devices, smart meters, nuclear spills) is a major concern in our world now. Radiation damages your DNA and makes your cells not be able to repair themselves properly (malformed brain tissue, organs and body parts follow.) You absolutely need to keep this stuff from entering your body or keep it moving if you can't avoid it. …

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Spiritual Diet

Spiritual Diet   Spiritual Weight Loss What is a Spiritual Diet? The Spiritual Diet begins with a foundation of Mind Body and Spirit and how they all directly influence each other, particularly when they are all in balance and agreement. You have to approach lasting weight loss by evaulating your relationship to the foods you are currently eating and learn how to enjoy your food in a new healthy way. Spirutal Weight Loss works because …

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The Benefits of Sun Gazing and Earthing

Sun Gazing - Animated Sun

SunGazing and Earthing   Why Sungaze? The Art of Sun gazing has been practiced for thousands of years. It has been brought to light recently by authors and solar gazing pioneers Hira Ratan Manek (sun gazing) and Jashumeen (living on light) who claim to primarily “live on light.” They are using photosynthesis the same process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and nutrition. Humans can also make use of the abundant source of free …

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What To Do For Back Pain

back pain relief

    What To Do For Back Pain? Back pain can be caused by many things, poor posture over time, physical injuries or even chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Whatever the casue, there is plenty you can do to start easing away your back pain now.   Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent and heal your back. The muscles around your spinal column can be strengthened to give some pain relief and …

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How to Generate Molecules of Attraction

oxytocin spray - pheromone perfume effects

Discover the Molecules of Attraction – Love Chemicals – Brain Wiring and Oxytocin Spray Love Scent Pheromone There are four special molecules that can positively effect how a person is perceived by another person. When these natural chemicals become elevated in the brain, feelings of love and bonding increase, the person's guard is down and there trust mechanism is up. They feel good, and if you're in the area and next to them, they can …

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12 New Years Resolutions

new years resolutions

  12 New Years Resolutions   12 New Years Resolutions This is The Year of the Rooster in Chinese Astrology. Every 12 years there is a Rooster year, beginning at Chinese New Year. A year of the Rooster always comes after a Monkey year and before a Dog year.  Years of the Rooster include 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, and 2029. The Rooster, the tenth Chinese zodiac sign, gives the year that just begins some …

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Philosophy and The Matrix

Watch Return to Source: Philosophy and The Matrix   Will You Take The “Red Pill” or The “Blue Pill?” There are more “real life” questions and scenarios considered in The Matrix Trilogy (Matrix, Reloaded and Revolutions) than probably any other series on the planet. This is my all time favorite analysis of how the creators of The Matrix DVD series combined, philosophy, psychology, spirituality, metaphysics, science and science fiction into one cohesive whole. It uses experts in …

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Spiritual Wealth and Prosperity – Manifesting Abundance

Wealth and Prosperity Creation Using Spiritual Laws of Attraction For Manifesting Abundance   Manifesting Abundance I'm sure that you've heard that your thoughts today create your reality tomorrow.  That is very much so when it comes to financial matters.  All things in our universe are energy.  Thoughts, emotions and our behaviors are displays of our personal energy.  Money is energy. It is even called “currency.”  The spiritual laws that govern the physical universe show that …

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Please Call Me Honey!

  The Healing Benefits of Honey   Calling Dr. Honey Honey is probably one of the oldest health and healing foods since the dawn of civilization.  Honey Benefits are well documented and I'll detail some Honey Nutrition facts that will totally amaze you, as well as have you calling for your Honey tonight!  Let's look at what the this powerful superfood can do for you. Honey's health restoring properties: Antibacterial Effective against many antibiotic resistant bacteria. …

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Attracting Love – Valentine’s Day for Women!

woman seeking man - guy in suit

How to Attract The Right Man for Valentine's Day!   Valentine’s Day is my favorite time of whole year. Being a Taurus astrologically I'm highly inclined to Love, Romance and Chocolate, and more importantly, someone to share it with. If you happen to find yourself without a partner or even a good date, then it can seem like a nightmare, and that life is just not fair. If this is you, then I know how …

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Guys – Don’t Spend Another Valentine’s Day Alone!

goregous woman

Dating Advice for Men Yes, February 14th is right upon us once again, and you know what that means: Valentine's Day!  If you are without a date however,  it can seem like a frustrating time of year. Statistics even show that suicides are highest at this time because of the not feeling loved or wanted.  It doesn't have to be that way though. It all begins with learning how to build attraction, gain her trust …

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Sirius – Free Energy and Alien Disclosure Documentary

Sirius – The Free Energy and Alien Disclosure Documentary Video is Here!   Can We Really All Have Access to Free Energy? Sirius “Sirius” is a feature length documentary that follows Dr. Steven Greer – an Emergency Medicine doctor turned UFO/ New Energy researcher – as he struggles to disclose top secret information about classified energy & propulsion techniques. Along the way, Dr. Greer investigates new technology and sheds light on criminal suppression. He accumulates …

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Improve Your Eyesight Holistically – What is Palming?

How to Improve Your Eyesight Holistically   Can You Really Improve Your Eyesight to 20/20 Naturally? In Short, Yes! These techniques have been used for centuries, oftentimes being called by many different names but the results are the same – Greatly Improved Eyesight and many times 20/20 vision.   There are three major techniques that will make your optometrist's office visits virtually obsolete; Palming, Sunning, The Swings. These are part of the Dr. Bates Method …

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You Can Heal Your Life Right Now and Start Living Your Best Life!

Gary Craig EFT Tapping Therapy – You Can Heal Your Life! EFT Tapping Therapy Science has finally caught up to what really makes us tick, or sometimes tock. Recent medical research has clearly shown that acupuncture meridians actually exist, in exactly the locations that ancient traditional Chinese medical doctors have known and used successfully for thousands of years. This is the stuff of miracles, and one's that you can learn to easily manifest. Even more …

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The Body Code – Release Trapped Emotional Baggage

Release Trapped Emotional Baggage and Heal Your Body     The Body Code System The Body Code System is based on the Emotion Code breakthrough book by Dr. Brad Nelson. It is the Ultimate Energy Healing method and a complete and easy to learn (and teach) method of energy healing. Here's what it will do for you: Discover the unseen cause of illness that most doctors aren't even aware of Feel emotionally connected with others …

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