Please Call Me Honey!


The Healing Benefits of Honey


Calling Dr. Honey

raw honey

Honey is probably one of the oldest health and healing foods since the dawn of civilization.  Honey Benefits are well documented and I'll detail some Honey Nutrition facts that will totally amaze you, as well as have you calling for your Honey tonight!  Let's look at what the this powerful superfood can do for you.

Honey's health restoring properties:

  • Antibacterial Effective against many antibiotic resistant bacteria. Honey’s low water content dehydrates and kills bacteria by pulling the water out of them. Also, when honey is placed on an open wound and contacts body fluids, it produces bacteria killing Hydrogen Peroxide.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Pulls fluid out of wounds reducing swelling
  • Helps dissolve mucous
  • Helps Sore Throats: 1 tsp raw honey straight (shot of whiskey optional)
  • Helps Colds: 1 cup of very hot water (with or without tea) plus the juice of 1 whole tree-ripened lemon with 1 tsp  of raw honey in a wide mug, so you can breathe in the steam, clearing your head as you sip.
  • Local Honey helps Control Hay Fever Local Honey and Bee Pollen helps desensitize you to local pollens, soothes inflamed tissues, cuts mucous. Take 1 tsp straight to calm symptoms.
  • Stimulates Healing
  • Disinfects and Helps Heal Minor Wounds & Burns On a sterile gauze pad (larger than the wound, cover an area the size of the wound with a layer of raw honey. Lay this gauze with the honey on top of your wound. Cover with another sterile, dry gauze, and fasten with adhesive tape around the edges.
  • For Diabetic Ulcers, Bed Sores and other Deep Sores First clean the wound out thoroughly with a sterile cotton swab. Fill the wound with raw honey and proceed as above.
  • Helpful for Arthritis Inflammation Pain
  • Calms an upset stomach.

What's is Honey actually made up of?

Honey Contains (This is a natural product so this is highly variable.)
Moisture 17%, Simple sugars (monosaccharides) Mostly Fructose 38% & Glucose 30.3%. Double Sugars Disaccharides about 8 ½ %, Sucrose 1.31% and Maltose. The rest is composed of higher sugars (Oligosaccharides), Organic Acids, Enzymes and various Proteins.

1 Tbsp. of Honey =  17 grams carbohydrates (5.67 g./tsp)
=  60 calories (20 cal/tsp)

Raw (uncooked and unprocessed) Honey contains Pollen, it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. Raw Honey also contains the aromatic oils which give the nectar of each type of flower its distinct aroma and each type of honey its distinct flavor.
Processed Honey is cooked, burning off most of the flavorful oils, and is then filtered, removing the Pollen.


Remember to look for grade “B” (as in Bee) as it is unprocessed and usually raw (Grade A, honey or syrup is processed). American Honey is very bioavailable as well as some European honeys.  If you can find raw, organic, wild-crafted or local it will work with your own body like magic.  So, do yourself and those that you love a favor and lay on the Honey!  There are a lot of great honeys out there like Manuka honey, or your own local honey. ManukaGuard Honey is purely golden and the best of the best because of the nutrients in their Manuka honey. 


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