Tag Archives: daily life

The Benefits of Sun Gazing and Earthing

Sun Gazing - Animated Sun

SunGazing and Earthing   Why Sungaze? The Art of Sun gazing has been practiced for thousands of years. It has been brought to light recently by authors and solar gazing pioneers Hira Ratan Manek (sun gazing) and Jashumeen (living on light) who claim to primarily “live on light.” They are using photosynthesis the same process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and nutrition. Humans can also make use of the abundant source of free …

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Spiritual Wealth and Prosperity – Manifesting Abundance

Wealth and Prosperity Creation Using Spiritual Laws of Attraction For Manifesting Abundance   Manifesting Abundance I'm sure that you've heard that your thoughts today create your reality tomorrow.  That is very much so when it comes to financial matters.  All things in our universe are energy.  Thoughts, emotions and our behaviors are displays of our personal energy.  Money is energy. It is even called “currency.”  The spiritual laws that govern the physical universe show that …

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Alone For The Holidays?

  Alone Again, Naturally? Holidays can be both a time of joy and a time of sadness. We can be happy to know that we have loving friends and family and yet go home to an empty home. I know. It's a place that I've been to many times in my own past. I would be the life of the party and yet still come home alone at the end of the night. And the …

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What is NLP?

  Discover How NLP Techniques Can Get You What You Want In Life Easily!   What is NLP? NLP stands for Neuro-linguistic programming, it it literally means the programming of your brain through language patterns and non-verbal communication modalities. It seeks to master human interpersonal communication so that we know what message other people are sending. It can also help us send the right message to others. You can use it to program yourself for …

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