Radiation Protection Products Radiation In Food Radiation Protection Products protect you from exposure (medical treatments, cell phones, WiFi devices, smart meters, nuclear spills) is a major concern in our world now. Radiation damages your DNA and makes your cells not be able to repair themselves properly (malformed brain tissue, organs and body parts follow.) You absolutely need to keep this stuff from entering your body or keep it moving if you can't avoid it. …
Read More »Natural Treatment for Radiation Poisoning and Exposure
Natural Treatment for Radiation Poisoning and Exposure Does Radiation Make You Sick? People who are in the business of radiation will tell you it is safe. Yet, they wear space looking suits, and wear radiation monitors. Medical Doctors put lead over parts of you, and run and hide behind a thick lead wall before they zap you with radiation. We all know what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when they poisoned them …
Read More »Radiation Exposure and Zeolite Powder
Radiation Exposure Radiation Sickness I'm sure you've heard of the catastrophic tsunami that has hit Japan a earlier, here is a story about the devastation that is still happening to them right now Japan Tsunami. Nuclear plants are failing all around us, even in Southern California (San Onofre). We need to be prepared and have a strategy on hand to successfully rid ourselves of this cancer causing radiation poisoning. I hope you'll join …
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