Natural Treatment for Radiation Poisoning and Exposure Does Radiation Make You Sick? People who are in the business of radiation will tell you it is safe. Yet, they wear space looking suits, and wear radiation monitors. Medical Doctors put lead over parts of you, and run and hide behind a thick lead wall before they zap you with radiation. We all know what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when they poisoned them …
Read More »Improve Your Eyesight Holistically – What is Palming?
How to Improve Your Eyesight Holistically Can You Really Improve Your Eyesight to 20/20 Naturally? In Short, Yes! These techniques have been used for centuries, oftentimes being called by many different names but the results are the same – Greatly Improved Eyesight and many times 20/20 vision. There are three major techniques that will make your optometrist's office visits virtually obsolete; Palming, Sunning, The Swings. These are part of the Dr. Bates Method …
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