SunGazing and Earthing Why Sungaze? The Art of Sun gazing has been practiced for thousands of years. It has been brought to light recently by authors and solar gazing pioneers Hira Ratan Manek (sun gazing) and Jashumeen (living on light) who claim to primarily “live on light.” They are using photosynthesis the same process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and nutrition. Humans can also make use of the abundant source of free …
Read More »What To Do For Back Pain
What To Do For Back Pain? Back pain can be caused by many things, poor posture over time, physical injuries or even chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis. Whatever the casue, there is plenty you can do to start easing away your back pain now. Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent and heal your back. The muscles around your spinal column can be strengthened to give some pain relief and …
Read More »Please Call Me Honey!
The Healing Benefits of Honey Calling Dr. Honey Honey is probably one of the oldest health and healing foods since the dawn of civilization. Honey Benefits are well documented and I'll detail some Honey Nutrition facts that will totally amaze you, as well as have you calling for your Honey tonight! Let's look at what the this powerful superfood can do for you. Honey's health restoring properties: Antibacterial Effective against many antibiotic resistant bacteria. …
Read More »You Can Heal Your Life Right Now and Start Living Your Best Life!
Gary Craig EFT Tapping Therapy – You Can Heal Your Life! EFT Tapping Therapy Science has finally caught up to what really makes us tick, or sometimes tock. Recent medical research has clearly shown that acupuncture meridians actually exist, in exactly the locations that ancient traditional Chinese medical doctors have known and used successfully for thousands of years. This is the stuff of miracles, and one's that you can learn to easily manifest. Even more …
Read More »Mind Body Connection – May 2012
Here's Your Chance to Finally Connect: Once in a Lifetime Mind, Body & Spirit Event! Join 5 New York Times Best Selling Authors and 8 Holistic Anti-Aging Experts for The Ultimate Mind Body and Spirit Union. You'll connect with so many liked minded spirits in one peaceful and enlightening setting. You'll also discover more about natural healing and youthful exuberance from the inside out. Here's who's going to be here to inspire you: …
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