What is Aromatherapy? What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of volatile liquid plant materials, known as essential oils (EOs), and other aromatic compounds from plants to affect someone's mood or health, hence aroma therapy. The word aromatherapy was coined in the 1920s by French chemist René Maurice Gattefosse, who devoted his life to researching the healing properties of essential oils after a lucky accident in his perfume laboratory. (In the accident, he lit …
Read More »BrainWave Entrainment – Can It Increase Your IQ and Performance?
BrainWave Entrainment – Can It Increase Your IQ and Performance? What Are Binaural Beats? In a groundbreaking study in brain wave enhancement in 1999, Thomas Budzynski Ph.D. showed that we have the power to unlock dormant areas of our brains and use them for our advantage. He took a group of 8 university level students and increased their GPA by having them just listen to Binaural Beats during study and before exams and a miracle …
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