Why You Should be Drinking Alkaline Water Alkaline Water and Health The Best and Easiest thing you can do to improve your health is to begin drinking highly Filtered Alkaline Water. Our bodies are mostly water and we take in toxins primarily through the water (and most drinks are made up of this same water) that we drink and bathe in. Dehydration is a big problem in our world today. It's …
Read More »12 New Years Resolutions
12 New Years Resolutions 12 New Years Resolutions This is The Year of the Rooster in Chinese Astrology. Every 12 years there is a Rooster year, beginning at Chinese New Year. A year of the Rooster always comes after a Monkey year and before a Dog year. Years of the Rooster include 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, and 2029. The Rooster, the tenth Chinese zodiac sign, gives the year that just begins some …
Read More »Mind Body Connection – May 2012
Here's Your Chance to Finally Connect: Once in a Lifetime Mind, Body & Spirit Event! Join 5 New York Times Best Selling Authors and 8 Holistic Anti-Aging Experts for The Ultimate Mind Body and Spirit Union. You'll connect with so many liked minded spirits in one peaceful and enlightening setting. You'll also discover more about natural healing and youthful exuberance from the inside out. Here's who's going to be here to inspire you: …
Read More »How to Attract Harmonious Relationships
How to Attract a Harmonious Relationship Attracting Loving Relationships To attract a vibrationally compatible partner or even to live more harmoniously with your current partner you need to achieve vibrational alignment with them. This means being closely matched on the emotional scale. A mostly happy person will not last very long being happy with a mostly unhappy person. Remember that you can’t change anyone other than yourself, so in a non-harmonious relationship …
Read More »The Power of Intention
What can the Power of Intention do for me? If you become clear and focused you can use it to send a coherent signal to the universe as to what you want at the moment. When you do this consistently you can harness a tremendous amount of power to bring your desires into your physical experience. Think of unfocused thought like a 100 watt light bulb, there is a lot of energy that is …
Read More »An Attitude of Gratitude – The Key to Abundance
How to Practice an Attitude of Gratitude and Appreciation Embracing an attitude which is both enthusiastic and positive will elevate your vibrational rate exponentially. It can transform the energy of the place where you are standing and positively affect the people all around you. If you've watched or read Rhonda Byrne's “The Secret” or the “The Secret.tv” channel you've heard of this very important concept. Your attitude shapes your inner and outer world, and …
Read More »Are Your Current Beliefs Blocking Your Happiness?
Your beliefs directly lead to what you experience as reality, it is wise to examine what beliefs you are now holding (they change over time), where they came from (they can be deeply ingrained from your heritage), and most importantly whether they are serving your needs or you are serving theirs! I believe this is the beginning of true wisdom. If you do this one thing, you will see the positive changes in your life that you didn't even think was possible. Your Beliefs Control Your Destiny!
Read More »What is NLP?
Discover How NLP Techniques Can Get You What You Want In Life Easily! What is NLP? NLP stands for Neuro-linguistic programming, it it literally means the programming of your brain through language patterns and non-verbal communication modalities. It seeks to master human interpersonal communication so that we know what message other people are sending. It can also help us send the right message to others. You can use it to program yourself for …
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