Why You Should be Drinking Alkaline Water Alkaline Water and Health The Best and Easiest thing you can do to improve your health is to begin drinking highly Filtered Alkaline Water. Our bodies are mostly water and we take in toxins primarily through the water (and most drinks are made up of this same water) that we drink and bathe in. Dehydration is a big problem in our world today. It's …
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12 New Years Resolutions 12 New Years Resolutions This is The Year of the Rooster in Chinese Astrology. Every 12 years there is a Rooster year, beginning at Chinese New Year. A year of the Rooster always comes after a Monkey year and before a Dog year. Years of the Rooster include 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, and 2029. The Rooster, the tenth Chinese zodiac sign, gives the year that just begins some …
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